Simply The Perfect Summer Spot

>> Monday, May 18, 2009

Hot lobster, warm butter, a squeeze of lemon on a toasted roll. Need I say more?
OK- how about a nice breeze and an amazing view?

Your not going to find anything fancy here. No sides, other than a bag of chips . Nothing that even requires a fork and a knife. Just simply put, the freshest lobster roll you will ever taste.
And no mayo either!!

So if your ever in the area and are looking for a treat check out Lobster landing- you wont be disappointed!


>> Thursday, May 14, 2009

We forgot what it was like to have a puppy. And actually we never knew what it was like to have a puppy with two small children, but now we know. Life has certainly gotten more interesting around here. Yes, the kids are now chew toys and nothing seems to be safe from destruction. Who knew a 14 lb. puppy could steal a 5 lb. bag of rabbit treats, a small vacuum, a bag of art supplies, and drag a chair across the room all within the time it takes me to whip up my morning Mimosa (kidding about the Mimosa, but Oliver actually did do those things this morning).

His feet are the size of a polar bears and the sweetest moments of the day are when he is asleep.
But we love him already , so welcome to our family Oliver!

In The Garden

>> Monday, May 04, 2009

Peonies waiting to bloom.

Our beautiful tree whose flowers are gone way to soon.

Jack loves the garden too!

my strawberry pot that needs more strawberry plants. You can see the plastic bottle I stuck in there. I cut holes in the bottom of the bottle and when I water the plants I put the water in the bottle and it helps the water get down deep to all the plants.

Here come the of the first perennials to make an appearance in my garden. And I love the look of my beautiful willow fence.

Old man in the garden...this and the next two pics are from my lovely neighbor, Loretta's garden.

 for mojitos

waiting for the birds...

lonely daffodil

The last time Abraham (my four year old) and I were out in the yard looking at all the flowers he said to me "Mama, they make my heart bigger".

Sunlight fades, stars appear, garden fairy's gather here!

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