With Friends...

>> Sunday, July 13, 2008

So this weekend I find myself by myself. Well let me clarify, with time for myself. I have forgotten what it was like to do what I want when I want. To sit and read , clean the house and it actually stays clean for more than 24 hours, to go to a farmers market and think about only what would make myself happy, to prepare meals just for me and sit and eat them at a leisurely passe. This is all things I did before the boys. All wonderful things. Things that had once escaped me until Cyndee gave me the wonderful gift of a weekend for myself.
So of course having time for me had to include a wonderful dinner with friends, two of my best friends. A time to relax and decompress from all our worlds bring to us. A time to laugh and eat a bit to much and drink things that only taste best when shared. A time to giggle and cook and share stories of our life's and responsibilities. And a time to let go of it all.

Mango and avocado salsa. Freshly made mojitos with mint from the garden. Bruschetta, bright with locally grown tomatoes. Spaghetti and clams only made better with a bit of pancetta. This is a meal to linger over, to share with best friends, to let go of it all and feel refreshed.

Mango and Avocado Salsa

1 ripe mango, diced
1 ripe avocado, diced
2 scallions, sliced thinly
half pint cherry or grape tomatoes, chopped
handful fresh cilantro, chopped
juice of 1-2 limes

Mix all ingredients together and serve right away. Serve with tortilla chips or pita chips.

Spaghetti and Clams

Our get togethers usually involve lots of picture taking. Me for my blog and Sopha for her flickr. But mostly because we just love to do it. Here Sopha is with her new macro lens she got for her Birthday.

And amazing chocolate peanutbutter cake from Sopha that I get to enjoy right now because we had no room for it after our lovely meal.

Thank you to my friends for helping make life just a little bit sweeter!

And as far as my family goes: As much as I have enjoyed this time for myself, they are my heart and my home, and I honeslty cannot wait for them to walk through the door!


Heavenly Day...

>> Monday, July 07, 2008


Sweet And Simple...

>> Sunday, July 06, 2008

Chocolate. Hazelnuts. Peanut butter. Ice cream. Need I say more? Actually it's Nutella ice cream with swirls of creamy, frozen peanut butter.
When I first read about this ice cream on one of my favorite blogs I was intrigued.
I had made ice cream before but never with such few ingredients. I usually go the custard based route for the ice creams I have made in the past. But I have to say, this is one of the simplest, easiest, tastiest ice creams I have ever made.
The original recipe just called for evaporated milk and Nutella. But after tasting that mixture it was a little on the sweet side for me, so I ended up adding a small amount of heavy cream.
The peanut butter, also my idea, was just a way of making it even more indulgent!

Nutella, Peanut butter Swirl Ice Cream

1 & 1/2 cups Nutella
1 (12oz.) can evaporated milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
3-4 good Tablespoons creamy peanut butter

Mix Nutella, evaporated milk, and cream together in mixing bowl until combined thoroughly.
Let mixture chill in refrigerator a few hours or over night until well chilled. Freeze in ice cream maker according to manufacturers instructions. Add peanut butter towards the end when ice cream is almost done. For firmer ice cream put in air tight container in freezer until firm.
Don't have an ice cream maker? Here is a way to do it without one! (Another favorite blog of mine!)

"I think this is one of the best ice creams you have ever made." Says Cyndee.

"Mama! You made this?" Says Caleb.


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